Saturday, July 31, 2010

Luggage, packed...check!!
Passport... check!!
Money... check!!!
Tim Tams... check!!
Flick knife, knuckle dusters, Japanese throwing stars... check!!!

... Just kidding!!!!

Six days to go.... Saturday 31st July 2010.

Had a great day today with my Benji Bear as it was his birthday so we had lunch at one of our favourite restaurants; Charlie's with our extended family: Gail, Mattymoo, Kelly, Brenny Bear, Annelise, Carmel and Andrew and even Tim joined Alan and I for a lot of laughs and fun times... must do that again when I get back!!! Thank you for the St. Christopher Medallion...feel better now about travelling!!

Memo to me: Do Not serve Carmel lime juice of any description... she is just tooo funny!!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Well almost all packed... it has occured to me that I am going to take a lot of stuff over there and as I am not a weightlifter by trade I might have to consider turfing a few things...

Memo to me: I do not need to take ALL my clothing in the wardrobe... just half will suffice!!! ... but it is the shoes that are my most pressing concern... which ones to take and which ones to leave behind??? Such a dilemma!!!

Seven days to go...

Can not believe that it is only seven more days before I fly out on my big adventure... I don't know who is more excited, Alan, Tim or me??? ... Even the cats are trying to sneak into my suitcase, they are firmly entrenched in their little spot proving there is room for them!!!