It's been a week already since I've had my 50th birthday dinner and it was everything I had hoped it would be. A big thank you to all my friends and family who came, for all the lovely gifts and messages received and for all the wonderful moments that made my birthday and especially the night one to remember... pressies are still arriving from overseas so the fun is still continuing... Wooo Hooo!!!
My closest friends and family were there to share the special night and despite the dramas before hand with the shocker of a meal served by another restaurant already booked for the occasion we had enough time to change venues without too much hassle.
With all that had happened in my life health wise I had not expected to see this milestone so to reach it there has been much contemplation about where I have been and especially where I go from here... and there is one thing I have learned over the past 50 years "The universe does have a sense of humour and it is futile to try and take control of your life... they have plans already for me so I just need to get in, buckle up, shut up and hang on!!!"
After having two angels visit me (in the shape of Matt and Kelly) and giving me a wonderful new direction and challenge to kick start my next 50 years off I am now venturing on a new career as a Civil Celebrant!!! Who would have thought I would ever contemplate marrying people for a living but after speaking to Mattymoo and Kelly angel and doing a little research, as well as numerous people telling me I would be perfect as a Celebrant, the idea fit like hand in glove.
Now I am studying for the next seven months before I apply to the Attorney General's department for my license... then we are off to Singapore for Christmas and New Year's... Life is never dull!
If this is the start of things to come then the next 50 years are going to be great!!!!