Some days are just gold, but in this case, for Tim they are blue...
Today Friday 22nd October 2010 was school mock up day at Tim's school, which meant all the year 12 students would thank their school for all the years of memories (and hell) now coming to an end. It is tradition that on the very last day of High School the year 12 students cut loose and think up all sorts of mischief to inflict on unsuspecting teachers and fellow students, all in good fun and all in the name of Prosh Day!! According to Tim, some kids came in drag, some did pranks like glad wrap the toilet seats and others of the more sober persuasion contemplated exams to come and their life future without school... Tim however, painted himself blue.

By late afternoon the weather had changed and it began sprinkling and settled into a steady rain when we got a phone call from our beloved son...
Tim: "Mum, where are you?..." (Sounding somewhat perplexed!)
Me: "On our way home... why?"
Tim: "I can't start my car..."
Me: "Are you still blue?"
Tim: "Well if I wasn't earlier, I am now..."
Me: "Why so?"
Tim: "My key broke and I can't start the car... and everyone is looking at me..."
Me: "Why? What are you doing?" (forgetting momentarily it is peak hour traffic on Brighton Road and my son is looking like one of the Na-avi from Avatar!)
Tim: "Can't get my car started so I'm running around all blue in the face..."
Me: (trying not to laugh) "... call the RAA!!!"

Like I said, 'Some days are just gold' especially because we are so closely related to Murphy and his law!!!!