Gods streuth!!!! What a right mess tonight was....
Alan and I got dressed up and made it to the Restaurant by the appointed time of 7:00 pm... present in hand and expecting to see my friend Gail and all her family sitting there waiting for the fun to start... we were a tad late... the Restaurant was deserted save for a waiter and rows of empty well-set tables.
The non English speaking waiter approached us and kept trying to usher us to a table - any table but especially one by the window and it all went South from there... (Picture Manuel from Faulty Towers)
Manuel: "You want table?"
Me: "Errr... actually we are here for dinner - booked in for the Gill party at 7:00 pm"
Manuel: "Cee, you want to Gill dinner?"
Me: "Errr.... no I want to eat dinner not Gill it..."
Manuel: (Looking somewhat perplexed) "Cee, you have to Gill dinner then eat it..."
Me: "I'll Gill you if you keep this up..."
Manuel: "Que?"
Me: "Never mind where are we supposed to sit?" (Pointing to the nearest table setting).
Manuel: "Ah, You want zis table? ok I give you... what... four?"
Me: "Pardon???...I'll give you what for... where is the Manager?"
Manuel: "Ah Cee, You have dinner with Manager?... I go get him!!"
By this time I am about to pass out either from hunger, or confusion... which ever comes first!!!
I am also wondering if anyone spoke English at Pinochio's and what fun it will be trying to order from the Italian hymn list... thoughts of green spaghetti spring to mind !!!
Manager walks to bar... I tell him we are here for the Gill Party... Manager looks at me and says "That's tomorrow night..."
By this stage Alan is heading out the door.... my head hits the counter and I start making groaning noises... I GOT THE WRONG NIGHT!!!!!! Don't tell anyone!!!!